
Showing posts from 2019

Things you should know about me if we are going to be BFF's

Things you should know about me if we are going to be BFF's.  - A clean house is the best feeling, however cleaning completely overwhelms me - Decisively Indecisive - My clumsiness level is ridiculous - I'm a stay at home dog mom  - Pistachio Pineapple is my ultimate favorite ice cream flavor in the world - I lost my momma at the age of 14 and have never fully recovered - Swimming with Sharks is high up on my bucket list - I have never broken a bone  - I have one tattoo of my momma's initials - Understanding Kristen-isms is crucial cause I say words wrong all the time.  - I'm an old soul - I have a large amount of irrational fears - Margarine over butter every single time - My dryer doubles as iron - I have been to Disney World over 10 times  - I will only drink milk if there is ice in it - I tend to over think EVERYTHING - I hate taking baths - showers only please - I'm a recovering people pleaser - I have to sleep...